Saturday, February 6, 2010

procurement-tv/media opportunity



ISSUE DATE: February 1, 2010

TITLE: The Maryland Colorectal Cancer Eastern Shore Region Screen for Life Advertisements 2010


This is a Small Business Reserve (SBR) procurement, only registered SBRs may respond.  Please apply at to see if your business qualifies.  Your SBR number must be included on the Bid Page or you will be deemed non-responsive.

Summary Statement

The Maryland Colorectal Cancer Program within the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) is soliciting a TV/Media broadcast outlet to air preexisting Screen for Life media spots developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The media spots will air from March 1, 2010 until April 1, 2010.

Over the course of the contract period, DHMH would like to air the Screen for Life media spots through as many mass media outlets (web, TV, radio) as possible within a single broadcast vendor. The target audience for the media spots is all citizens’ ages 50 and over in the Eastern Shore Region.

More information on the Maryland Colorectal Cancer Program within the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is available in the Background section below


Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in Maryland. In Maryland and nationally, low-income and minority populations are disproportionately affected by colorectal cancer.

The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Family Health Administration has been awarded a five-year grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for a Colorectal Cancer Control Program. Maryland is one of 26 states and tribal organizations to be awarded funds to increase colorectal cancer screening rates. The goal of the grant is to increase colorectal cancer screening among all persons aged 50 and older in Maryland and to reduce health disparities in colorectal cancer screening, incidence, and mortality. The funds will support initiatives such as statewide public education, outreach, and provider education focused on increasing colorectal cancer screening among insured individuals, and a screening initiative for low-income, underinsured or uninsured people aged 50-64 years in Baltimore City as well. The Colorectal Cancer Program will utilize pre-existing media spots to promote screening in the target population. The pre-existing media spot are the product of the Screen for Life campaign.

The Screen for Life: National Colorectal Cancer Action Campaign was launched on March 2, 1999, by then-U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher, M.D. It is based on extensive review of existing communication and behavioral science literature, and formative research and concept testing. Approximately 170 focus groups, including both consumers and health professionals, have been conducted in cities across the country to assess knowledge, behaviors, and screening practices of the target audiences. CDC continues to develop campaign messages and materials based on this research.
The central messages of Screen for Life are—
Of cancers affecting men and women, colorectal cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the United States.
Screening saves lives.
Colorectal cancer often can be prevented. Regular screening can find precancerous polyps so they can be removed before they turn into cancer.
Screening can find colorectal cancer early, when treatment can be very effective.
Polyps and colorectal cancer may not cause symptoms, especially at first.
Many insurance plans, including Medicare, help pay for colorectal cancer screening

The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene seeks a broadcast outlet on the Eastern Shore to air preexisting Screen for Life Media spots encouraging Colorectal Cancer Screening.

Scope of Work

The selected offeror shall:

A. Recommend to the Department a comprehensive media strategy which will air preexisting Screen for Life media spots during peak viewing and listening hours across as many media venues (web, TV, radio) as possible while also maximizing the number of times and audience impressions the MCF messaging is be relayed by the offeror.

B. Utilize the preexisting Screen for Life media spots for a given medium (web, TV, or radio) and include any required logos or tags or disclaimers as needed. The Screen for Life and will be provided along with the Department’s logo and other mandatory tags or disclaimers to the selected vendor. Any cost associated with the tagging of the Screen for Life spots for any venue (web, TV, radio) will be at the expense of the offeror.

C. Offeror must be able to deliver a completed media schedule within five days of contract award to allow for review and approval by the Department. If necessary, offeror shall make edits at the Department’s request.

D. Provide a proposed schedule including days and times of where and when the Screen for Life spots will air on the given medium, focusing on times of high viewership. If necessary, offeror shall make edits at the Department’s request.

E. Provide a detailed report of when the Screen for Life media spots actually aired.

Proposal Submissions

The offeror shall complete the attached Bid Form (page 6) and send a proposal that must be no smaller than 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Technical proposals shall be no longer than six (6) pages (this excludes budget, budget narrative, and any attachments regarding station reach and viewership). One original and two (2) copies should be mailed or hand-delivered to the Procurement Officer.

Technical proposals shall include:

A.Background Information:
1.Broadcast Outlet Name
2.Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, fax number, and position/title of the individual who will serve as the primary contact for this contract.
3.The offeror’s federal identification number.

B.The proposed broadcast outlet (s) and venue (web, radio, tv, etc) on which the Screen for Life Media spots will air including the geographic coverage and listener profile and reach of the venue(s).

C.A work plan outlining a specific timeline of the placement of the Screen for Life media spots and the offeror's ability to broadcast Screen for Life media spots within five days of contract award.

D.The offeror shall submit a media buying schedule that maximizes viewership and reflects at what times the Screen for Life media spots will be aired and on what station(s) for the four (4) week period of March 1 through April 1, 2010. The schedule shall include the number of media impressions that the Screen for Life media spots will achieve.

E.The offeror shall identify the total number of times that the Screen for Life media spots shall be aired during the contract period.

F.The offeror shall describe any promotional added value that can be offered to the State, above and beyond the specified number of spots on the bid page.

G.Offerors shall disclose all conflicts of interest (obvious and non-obvious), if any, and describe in detail how the conflicts of interest will be ameliorated. If the offeror is receiving other funding for other cancer control fundraising efforts, please describe how this funding is being used and the source of the funding.

H.Offerors shall submit a completed bid page.

An award will be made on the basis of the most advantageous offer to the State of Maryland considering price and the evaluation criteria found in this solicitation.

Evaluation Criteria of Proposal

The State will evaluate proposals based on the following evaluation criteria. These are listed in descending order of importance.

A.How clear and relevant is the offeror’s described listener profile and how well does the station capture the Department’s target audience?
B.Is the offeror’s work plan timeline realistic for approval and placement?
C.How clear is the offeror’s schedule of when the Screen for Life media spots shall air and are the proposed times sufficient to reach the intended audiences with maximum viewership?
D.How wide is the offeror’s viewing audience and how many impressions does the MCF donation messaging achieve.
E.How well does the offeror’s proposal provide airtime and number of spots that will maximize State resources?
F.How strong is the offeror’s proposed value-added component?
G.Does the offeror have any conflicts of interest?

Contract Term

The term of this contract shall be on or about March 1, 2010 through May 14, 2010.


Payment will be made upon receipt of acceptable deliverables and invoices from the contractor. The selected offeror shall bill the Department 50% upon receipt of the contract. The remaining 50% will be billed upon satisfactory completion of project deliverables and receipt of a final itemized invoice from the Contractor. A final invoice for services rendered along with a report of all media activities must be submitted by April 22, 2010.

Invoices must be on company letterhead and include contractor’s name, address, date, line item breakdown, Tax ID #, contract number, Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) number, and signature in order to be processed.


Interested parties should submit bids using the attached “Bid Page.”


Bids must be mailed or hand-delivered and must be received by the PROCUREMENT OFFICER NO LATER than 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday February 10, 2010 in order to be considered. Submission envelope must show the Procurement ID number.

Bidders who hand deliver bids are requested to please ask the building’s security desk to telephone the PROCUREMENT OFFICER.

Bidders who mail bids should allow sufficient mail transit time to ensure timely receipt by the PROCUREMENT OFFICER. Bids and/or unsolicited amendments to bids arriving after the closing hour and date noted above will not be considered. Bidders who mail bids should allow sufficient mail transit time to ensure timely receipt by the Procurement Officer. For any response that is not hand-delivered, the bidder must confirm, at least 60 minutes before the deadline, that the bids were received in FHA Procurement. FHA is not responsible for bids dropped off in the mailroom.

Questions regarding this solicitation should be directed to the PROCUREMENT OFFICER.

Vern Shird
Family Health Administration
201 West Preston Street Room 306
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-767-5555

Robert Villanueva, MPA
Director, Office of Comprehensive Cancer Control Programs
201 West Preston Street, Suite 400
Baltimore, MD 21201



Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Center for Cancer Surveillance and Control

The Maryland Colorectal Cancer EASTERN SHORE Region
Screen for Life Advertisements 2010

A)Vendor Name/Address/Contact Name & Phone/Federal Identification Number:

B) SBR Number ________________
C) Submit a specific proposal based on a guarantee of the proposed number of times that the MCF donation messaging shall be aired from March 1, 2010 through April 1, 2010. Name of TV station included in the proposal _______________________________________.

D) Total number of times that the MCF donation messaging shall be aired ___________

Total cost of all TV sponsorship $___________

*Total Cost cannot exceed $25,000*

Signature Date

Vendor signature and date certifies that technical and budget submissions are correct and that vendor agrees to perform all services stated in the associated RFP FHA-S549

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