Thursday, February 11, 2010

Why SEO Is Important To Your Social Media Posts

Some may say that Social Media is fun and productive for their business. Others may say the opposite. No matter your opinion, Social Media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, YouTube, etc..) is part of our lives and the lives of our potential clients and customers.

In regards to your name, your goal should be to "own" at least the first page of a Google result. What that means is that if someone Googles your name or company's name, the first page results should be all about you or your company. Social Media ,along with other strategies, can give you this result.( Google me for an example: Kathleen Dorsey SEO).

When conductingSocial Media Training sessions, there is one point which I bring up. That point is how important Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to your posts. As of December 2009, this is even more important since both Google and Bing have given "real time" news online (which comes from Social Media- Google "healthcare" to see an example) more strength within their results.

Whenever you write ANYTHING online, it is being "watched". "Big Brother" is Google, Yahoo and Bing. Knowing this, each time you post an update, create a profile or give advice to someone online, you should have your strategic keywords in mind. This is not saying just load up your writing with these keywords. Instead, use them strategically when you can and when it makes sense. A great place to use your keyword(s) is in the title on a blog post or article which will be distributed online.

Here is an example. I could title myself in LinkedIn just as Founder of Global Results. Instead, I use keywords like SEO and Social Media in my title. This is a small example, but it illutrates how if you take a few more seconds to think of your posts and online profiles as "ads" to the Search Engines, your posts will give you better traction online when someone in researching you or your company.

SEO is not just for your website. A well thought out plan as well as an effective keyword analysis is key to online exposure throughout the internet's many platforms. SEO strategies must be present in any writings that you produce online.

Pop Quiz: Can you find my keywords in this post??

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