Saturday, January 30, 2010


January 27, 2010

Bid No. 013-10


PROJECT I.D. NO. ARRA-10-07-46

Seeking MBE contractors to bid on the installation of marine diesel engines aboard a tug boat in the Port of Baltimore. Assistance is available for the bonding requirements.

Any offerors should contact:

Cary Lynch

The General Ship Repair Corporation

(410) 752-7620



The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to secure the most qualified company with the most reasonable price for all labor and associated costs to install the main propulsion and two (2) auxiliary engines on marine Tugboat Kaleen McAllister, currently operating at the Port of Baltimore. All three (3) engines will be supplied by the Maryland Environmental Service (MES), excluding small parts and modification items required for installation.

Deadline for bid response is Feb. 11, 2010.





The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to secure the most qualified company with

the most reasonable price for all labor and associated costs to install the main propulsion and

two (2) auxiliary engines on marine Tugboat Kaleen McAllister, currently operating at the Port of

Baltimore. All three (3) engines will be supplied by the Maryland Environmental Service (MES),

excluding small parts and modification items required for installation.

This project is being funded in part by a grant MES received from the U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA) under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009.

The purpose of this grant is to implement EPA Certified Clean Diesel Emissions Reduction

Technologies in vehicles and equipment operating at the Port of Baltimore. MES is actively

involved with The Maryland Port Administration promote Clean Diesel Emission Reduction

projects in order to increase the quality of the air and water and to encourage economic

development in the Port of Baltimore region. MES and McAllister Towing of Baltimore, Inc. are

participating jointly with federal and state government grants and contractors to accomplish

diesel emission reduction within the Port of Baltimore region.

A. General Vessel

Vessel Name: Kaleen McAllister

Displacement (lb): 664,000 lbs

Water line length (ft): 106.75'

Hull form type Displacement

Engine compartment overall height: Approximately 8' from engine foundation to main

deck. Dimensions and sketch of existing engine foundation that replacement engine

must fit are included in Attachment A

B. Existing Main Propulsion Engine (to be replaced)

Serial number: 75L1-1027

Model year/make: 1980 EMD

Model: 16-645-E9

Rated HP: 3,000

Maximum RPM: 900

Cruising RPM: 900

C. Existing Propellers (to be retained)

Number of blades: 4

Size: 2600mm diameter. X variable pitch

Cupped blades: no

D. Existing Auxiliary generators (to be replaced)

Number/Quantity: 2

Serial Numbers: 6A394472 / 6A251995

Make /Model year: Detroit Diesel 1980

Model: 6-71

Rated horsepower: 165

Voltage /Output/: 208V / 75 KW


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded the MES a grant under the

American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 to implement EPA Certified Clean Diesel

Emissions Reduction Technologies, including engine Re-Powers, in vehicles and equipment

operating at the Port of Baltimore, Maryland. Re-powering with new (e.g., EPA Tier II or above)

engines will significantly reduce nitrous oxide (NOx), particulate matter (PM), hydrocarbons

(HC), and carbon monoxide (CO) in diesel emissions. The EPA ARRA Grant covers 75% of the

costs to purchase and install the new engines. Successful awardees will pay the remaining 25%

of the costs.

MES’s project partner, the University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center, solicited grant

applications from eligible applicants operating at the Port of Baltimore for installing these EPA

certified engines. For additional information on the evaluation process, see the subprogram

guidelines at the following website Clean Diesel Program.

McAllister Towing of Baltimore, Inc. submitted an application to repower the main and auxiliary

engines, and the application was approved. The purpose of this Request for Proposals is to

select the firm to remove, appropriately dispose of the three (3) existing engines, and install a

new main propulsion engine and two (2) new auxiliary engine/ generator sets. This work is to

include all up-fitting, materials, equipment, and labor, and shipyard dry dock cost for the tug

Kaleen McAllister operating at the Port of Baltimore.


The Maryland Port Administration Seagirt Marine Terminal, which is located at 2600 Broening

Hwy. Dundalk, MD 21224.


The purpose of this RFP is to establish a contract to provide a complete operational re-powering

with EPA Certified Clean Diesel Engines in the Tug Harbor Craft operating at the Port of

Baltimore, known as Kaleen McAllister. This project will include MES contracting with a capable

and knowledgeable company to oversee and perform the labor and installation of all engine

replacements. Based on responses to this RFP, MES may award a contract to an Offeror who

demonstrates the ability to perform all tasks and accomplish the required work, as outlined

within this RFP.


The time for performance under this contract is 60 days maximum from the date the vessel is

berthed at the shipyard for engines installation. In addition, the successful contractor may be

asked to complete installation of the specified equipment and provide final invoice for the project

by July 31, 2010, in the event grant funding expires.


This RFP is a request for labor, equipment all incidentals, and services necessary for the

installation of one (1) main propulsion engine, and two (2) auxiliary Engine/Gen-sets. There

shall be at minimum a standard unlimited warranty for the first 12 months on installation for all

labor, material and workmanship supplied by installer engaging in Engines installations.

Successful offeror must respond to warranty repairs within 24 hours of notification. Repairs must

be completed within 96 hours. If the unit cannot be repaired on site, the vendor shall supply the

necessary transportation to carry the Vessel round-trip from the owner’s location. There shall be

no extra charge for this warranty service.

A. Main Propulsion Engine – Removal and Installation

Open all deck hatches and/or create new deck openings by cutting wheelhouse

to allow access to engine compartment.

Drain and properly dispose of all engine and associated equipment fluids and

disconnect all electrical, and exhaust connections.

Disconnect existing engine and drive coupling from engine foundations and

propeller shafts. Remove old exhaust silencers.

Hoist current EMD Model: 16-645-E9 engine from vessel and lower new engine

into vessel.

Align and connect new engine and drive coupling to engine foundations and

propeller shafts, including any modifications to the engine foundations that are


Connect new engine all electrical, exhaust connections to include connection to

keel cooler, and engine accessories, including installation of exhaust silencers.

Add all engine fluids as applicable.

Close all deck hatches or wheelhouse and repair deck openings to restore

original deck configuration. This shall include any welding or architectural

certification applicable after engine installation.

Perform engine testing, start-up, commissioning, and sea-trials.

Remove from the shipyard and dispose of the main engine removed from the

vessel in accordance with ARRA grant award terms and conditions. Offeror will

provide documentation of the EMD Model: 16-645-E9 engine’s disposition. The

engine must be destroyed, made permanently inoperable, or returned to the

factory to be remanufactured to a Tier 2 or higher emission standard, and meet

all criteria of ARRA grant award terms and conditions. If scrapped or salvaged

engine(s) are sold, income from such sale must be used to further eligible project

or program objectives under the grant agreement between MES and EPA.

Successful offeror shall supply all labor, tools, parts, fluids, equipment, materials, and supplies

required to perform the above, including any welding or cutting required on engine foundations.

B. Auxiliary Generators – Removal and Installation Services

Successful offeror shall supply all labor, tools, parts, equipment, materials, fluids, and

supplies required to accomplish removal of existing auxiliary generators and installation of

new auxiliary generators as supplied, including any welding or cutting to include:

Drain and properly dispose of all engine-associated fluids and disconnect

existing auxiliary generators from all electrical, fluid, and exhaust connections

Disconnect existing Detroit Diesel 6-71 Generator sets from vessel.

Hoist existing auxiliary generators from out of vessel and lower new auxiliary

generators into vessel.

Provide removal of two (2) existing Detroit Diesel 6-71 Generator sets.

Install two (2) new auxiliary generator set(s) at shipyard/marina where the

equipment is installed

Connect and install new auxiliary generators to all electrical panels, and

make exhaust connections. Add all fluids to proper levels

Auxiliary generator testing includes start-up, commissioning, and sea-trials.

Successful offeror will be involved with vessel commissioning and sea trials.

Successful offeror shall remove from the shipyard and dispose of the generator sets

removed from the vessel in accordance with ARRA grant award terms and conditions.

Successful offeror shall also provide documentation of the disposition of the two (2)

removed Detroit Diesel 6-71 engines. The engines in the existing generator sets must be

destroyed, made permanently inoperable, or returned to the factory to be remanufactured to

a Tier 2 or higher emission standard, and meet all criteria of ARRA grant award terms and

conditions. If scrapped or salvaged engine(s) are sold, income from such sale must be used

toward further eligible project or program objectives under the grant agreement between MES

and EPA.

Offerors shall become familiar with the vessel, including the setup of the existing engines,

issues involved with removal/replacement of the engines, the array and availability of

potential dry dock space, owner’s preferred timing for removing a vessel from service, inkind

services to be provided by the vessel owners, and other pertinent issues. The omission

of any item by the offeror, which may allow less than a fully functionally complete, safe,

operationally repower will not excuse the offeror from providing said correct, safe and proper

operational installation.

This project is ARRA 10-07-46 PoB CCDP Installation of Main and Auxiliary Engines for Tugboat =>

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