Sunday, January 10, 2010

PROCUREMENT- Frederick County- Water Heaters - Deadline Jan 14, 2010

'I rc6 Fredsrick Counfy Pub$c &Ms
Kwta Cha&agefiVen
By order of the Board of Education of Frederick County, Maryland.
Ms. Billie Laughland, Buyer Specialist
Purchasing Deprtment
33 Thomas Johnson Drive
Frcderick, MD21702
Telephone: 3Ol -64+5212
Fax: 301-644-5213
January 8,2010
Bid #{0-M6. Water Heaters for the Maintenance Departument (Re-Bid}
The Board of Education of Frederick County will receive sealed bids for Water Heaters for the Maintenance Departrnent. Bids will
be received in the Purchasing Department of the Frederick County Public Schools no laterthan 2:00 p.m. local time, Janwty 22,
2010,atwhichtimeandplacetheywillbepubliclyopenedandreadaloud. Bidsreceivedafterthistimewillberetumedunopened.
A pre-bid meeting will not be held. All quetions regarding this bid will be due by: January 14,2A1A 4:00 P.M. to Gurtis
Omdoff, Cluster Maintenance Project Manager, phone (301) 6aa6154 fax (30f ) el+Sf48 with a copy to Ms. Billie
Laughland, BuyerSpecialist please see above for phone and fax numbens.
A complete package is not enclosed. For more information on bids, please visit our website at http:/
The Frederick Gounty Public Schools System does not discriminate in admissions, a@ess, treatment, or employment in its
programs and ac'tivities on the basis of race, color, gender, age, national origin, religion, or disability. For more information,
contacf the Executive Direc{or of Legal Services.
The Board of Education of Frederick County, Maryland, reserves the right to rejec't any and all bids and to waive any informalities
or inegularities in bidding.
Purchasing Agent Ms. Billie Laughland,
Buyer Specialist dNL,*

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