Thursday, October 22, 2009

Your Website or Social Media- Which Is More Important?

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs, Text Messaging- feeling anxious yet? The world has become even closer, which means you can market your company even faster... right? Well- this is absolutely the case- but have you forgotten something... your website maybe?

We are all making sure we stay on top of our Social Media accounts- your friends can't wait to hear about what you had for lunch! (okay- a bit sarcastic I know). Social Media definitely has its place and can't be ignored-it has recently surpassed emailing as the most common way to communicate online. However, your website still needs your attention. You must update it, add to it and enhance it to gain traction with the Search Engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. What can be a great strategy is to incorporate your Social Media accounts (LinkedIn, Twitter, Blogs, etc) into the site itself. By doing this, when you update and post on those accounts, your website is automatically updated as well.

Your website is your brochure, and hopefully more, for your business. This is where you will grab the attention of your potential clients. This is where a web browser will decide if they buy from you or your competition. This is where you must show these browsers WHY they need to pick your company or product.Can you think of any other Internet account or platform which can do this in a more consistent way other than your website?

Think of Social Media as your print ads- which is true- it's just being placed online and is more interactive. Then think of your website as your online office or store. This is the place where potential clients "browse" or "stop in" to meet you and see your products and/or services.

Social Media has its place in the promotion of your products and/or services, such as advertising does. However, your website is your "place of business" online. So- what is the answer to the initial question- which is more important?

Your website is still the key to closing deals and sales. However, and this is a BIG however, a professional and strategic Social Media campaign is a MUST to drive attention to your site.

Author: Kathleen Dorsey

NAWBO Board Member / Co-Chair NAWBO Membership Committee

Founder : Global Results- A Maryland Based SEO and Social Media Strategist

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